das Paar For Immediate Release: Los Angeles Art Association proudly presents das Paar, an all-media group exhibition juried by Thomas Volkmann and Silvia Sonnenschmidt of Contemporary Art Ruhr (CAR) at Gallery 825 on Friday, January 25, 6 to 9p. In addition to das Paar, artist James Peterson will be featured in a solo exhibition.das Paar is a unique cross-cultural exhibition pairing contemporary artists from Los Angeles and Europe. Featured artists include: Nicholas Coroneos, Moshe Elimelech, Stephan Geisler, Steven Hautemaniere, Helen Hodgkinson, Melanie Hubner, Stacey Kalkowski, Tony Kelly, Laura Larson, MEGAH3RTZ: Valentina Boneva & Steffen Muller, Michael Meise, Adele Mills, Sebastian Molleken, Margaret Ouchida, Billy Pacak, Ji Hyun Park, D Punkt, Mei Xian Qiu, Paul Raas, Dennis Ruble, Diana Scheunemann, Susanna Schoenberg, Philipp Schumacher, Sala Seddiki, Lee Tonks, Ariel Vargassal, Art Weeks, and Elyse Wyman.
James Peterson‘s ambitious installation Sessilanoid (a sum of all parts) is comprised of plastic formed cells that interconnect, creating dynamic patterns over the gallery walls, ceiling and floor. This compelling piece hypothesizes what happens as synthetic lifeforms take the place of the organic. Peterson’s convincing use of lighting, technology and nature inspired forms create a potent context for his exploration of pollution and sustainability. Sessilanoid approximates growth of synthetic barnacles over the gallery.

Exhibition dates:
January 25 to February 15, 2013 Reception:
Friday, January 25, 2013, 6 to 9p
Gallery 825, 825 North La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069