Panel Discussion – Photography NOW
Rolf Goellnitz, Stacey McCarroll Cutshaw, Mei Xian Qiu, Brian Doan
The panel will be discussing Photography in the new millennium.
The conversation mainly focuses on photography as an increasingly vital part of contemporary artistic practice, the art market, and the developing technologies and how these change the medium, why the art world embraces the photograph as never before and much more.
Audiences can send their questions to the panel during the conversation.
Mei Xian Qiu (Artist)
(aka Cindy Suriyani) is a Los Angeles based artist. She was born in the town of Pekalongan, on the island of Java, Indonesia, to a third generation Chinese minority family. At birth, she was given various names in preparation for societal collapse and variant potential futures, a Chinese name, an American name and an Indonesian name given by her parents, as well as a Catholic name by the local priest. In the aftermath of the Chinese and Communist genocide, the family immigrated to the United States. She was moved back and forth several times between the two countries during her childhood – her parents initial reaction to what they perceived as the amorality of life in the West countered with the uncertainty of life in Java. Partially as a result of a growing sense of restlessness, her father joined the U.S. Air force and the family lived all across the country, sometimes staying in one place for just a month at a time. She has also been based in Europe, China, and Indonesia as an adult.
Stacey McCarroll Cutshaw (Photography historian, Curator)
Photography historian, curator, and educator, Stacey McCarroll Cutshaw is editor of Exposure the journal of the Society for Photographic Education. Previously Director and Curator at the Boston University Art Gallery, she organized several exhibitions on photography and visual culture including In the Vernacular: Everyday Photographs from the Rodger Kingston Collection (2004-2005) and California Dreamin’: Camera Clubs and the Pictorial Photography Tradition (2004). She has contributed to Afterimage, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, The Chronicle Review and The Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Photography; and has taught history of photography, art history, and museum studies courses in California and Massachusetts since 1994. She now lives in Downtown Los Angeles.
Rolf Goellnitz (Artist, gallerist, art collector)
Born in Aachen, Germany. Rolf studied and earned an advanced degree in Design at the University for Applied Sciences, Faculty Design, in Aachen, Germany. Following his studies, Rolf worked internationally for almost 20 years as a Creative Director for Europe’s largest fashion retailer as well as other clients in Germany and the USA. His work has gained recognition through numerous national and international awards in both Europe and the USA. As an Associate Professor he taught several years at the University for Applied Sciences, Faculty Design, in Aachen, Germany. In 1999 he founded the OMC Communication LLC, a company offering Creative Service and the OMC Gallery for Contemporary Art. He has curated more than 60 Exhibitions and cooperates with 30 artists worldwide.
Mediator: Brian Doan
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
LAC Campus Room K143
4901 E. Carson St.
Long Beach, CA 90808